Category: Sweets and Desserts
Sweets and Desserts
With berries currently in season, I have sometimes been having an apple and blueberry smoothie for breakfast. The refreshing and tangy taste combination provided the idea for this Apple and Blueberry Mousse Cake. Of course, I had to get chocolate in somewhere hence the soft chocolate cake base! As with my Easter Dessert Slice, I use a version of my Chocolate …
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Sweets and Desserts
My niece informed me the other day that there were precisely 93 days until Christmas! As the designated dessert-maker in our family, I wondered what I might make this year for Christmas Day dessert! I did some googling and came across “Japanese cheesecake”. As with anything, there are several variations but the general consensus is that Japanese cheesecake is lighter …
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Sweets and Desserts
Chocolate and marshmallow seem a good combination for an Easter dessert! For this recipe, I use my Chocolate Almond Slice (a not-so-deep version) for the base and a chocolate meringue for the topping. Because I wanted a strong meringue, I use the Swiss Meringue method. This is where the egg white and sugar are placed in a bowl and heated over …
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